HRM Awasasa Aduniya "MISS WANU" Celebrate Her Birthday @ IFAYINMA ORPHANAGE HOME



Unbehalf of the entire teamKEG, i will like to say a very big thank you to all of you who contributed to the success of the CHARITY PROJECT which came from the office of our reigning queen in celebration of my birthday. It was a pleasure to add to the lives of the needy at the IFAYINMA ORPHANAGE FOUNDATION, WUKARI.

for it is not by my power, but by the special grace of God who is the giver and ultimate provider. For it was said, it is not the rich that give but the good. I'm glad to have the support of Yes sure Siman Patience,Mamuda faith,Amasan starlight DTM manager and also the Manager 001 KGK Empire.Amoga Shadrach 

-HRM Aduniya Awasasa Confidence The Miss Wanu Nigeria, for presenting Food Items to the Orphans.

And to all the KEG & KGK Officials who contributed to the success of this great project, God will bless you all.

"For we give not because we have much, but because we know what it means to have nothing".

Written by Miss Wanu (Awasasa Aduniya)

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