I was privilege to attend Community Secondary School Abinsi. 

Which I know very well that, one of the purpose of establishing that school, is to make those that are financially incapable to attend private schools and other expensive public schools can also acquire knowledge through the establishment of community school. 

But my experience when i was still in that school, almost 50% of the students in that school were send back home due to increment of school fee by the board meanwhile, not the active (admistrative) management of the school but some pensive management (stakeholders). But the fact is that, the school have been under their administration for a decade nothing new (development) has come in.

Atimes, if you are to take any action, first think or reason within your sense organs if only i do this things I'm about doing, who and who will be affected.

Many  Wanu sons and daughters, who have to push wheelbarrow, hawk pure water, oranges, mangos on the street before paying their fee, were sent back home out of school all in the name of increment. Meanwhile, we thought things would be great (put in place) after the increment but, its almost ten to fifteen years now, nothing new is being done or added in that School rather than the old buildings which by now, they might have already been collapsed.

One faithful day, i decided to confront one of the participated Teachers from that school, i ask him by saying, why is it that these kind of people are either selected or elected always to chair (board) this school?

He said to me is because, bonified they're  indigenes (sons of the soil). 

I said to him, but we have many graduates on ground that are also bonified indigenes that are likewise capable to handle this school very well. Then why chosen the uneducated ones to head a school which you knew they leads to it  collapse stage. 

Infact the action they usually takes, signifies that they are working for their own personal interest because, they allowed their personal interest to come in conflict with the school objectives. From all indication, even the principal is afraid of them because anytime he try to express how he feel about the going down population of school, they do frighten him with a sack (dismissal) notification. 

Meanwhile, since he can not beat them he ended up as a colleague just as a writer said (if you can't beat them then join them). Just as birds of the same feathers flock together. 

I want to use this opportunity to call on NAJUWA (an association) and the WACHA (stakeholders) to relate on this issue and look towards the conditions of that school with immediate alacrity before the school would completely collapse (diminished).  

With all due respect, check it out almost 75% of Wanu university graduates today  were once students of that school. I therefore submit to you that, even if you are selected and elected as the care taker of the school (community secondary school) since the day they established the school please give way for those that are trained and skillsful to also give a try. Because, i know my people very well maybe some of them will say, i am chosen since the day of establishment as far as you are chosen, i am here to let known to you that, you equally can be remove.

On my own point of view, i think that act (attitude) also contributed to the backwardness of Wanu child in education sector. We look forward to see an immediate action taking  by NAJUWA and the community elders to rise and act before the school collapse completely.

Long Live NAJUWA 

Long Live WACHA


Wanu youth are fashion minded to an extend some of our youth complain they don't have sponsorships. 

But when the are privilege to travel or see any work that earn them money 

a times the even have to voyage from Nigeria to Cameroon to look for money. But immediately the came back you will not hear anything school from them again

Some will be looking as if the come from America 

Some don't mind using their whole money to buy smart phone. Which after two month

 even you that did not go to anywhere will look better and meaningful than them.

Lemme give little statistics analysis

Let assume you save 60 thousands after returning from your journey 

And your school terms fees are...

1 school fees 2500 

2 P T A             150

3 examination fees 200.

Statistically every term your are expected to spend 2,850,and each class you are expect to  spend a sum of #8,550

At your secondary school level  from your junior secondary school (Jss) one to your senior secondary level three you are expected to spend 51,300 

You see only the one you save is enough for you to round up your secondary school level.

And I so much believe that some youth travel every after written promotion examination.

On my on view Some youth their problem is not money but the lack self principle they want to look like others that are already successful in life.

A time u don't need to be carry along by your mind.

Make sure you introduced your self 

A self principle so that it can help you structure your feature 


There is no how you will put those two things together and be expect progress in your day in day out activities. It is advisable to go for one and let go of the other. Because, you can't serve two masters at the same time. 

There are so many things happening in our society today that many people are afraid of talking about but, i will say it out if you feel guilty and your conscience judges you, my advice to you is, try and stop (amend your ways) no matter how difficult it is, just try and readjust.

I know many of our parents are not aware of that many children get into practicing strange lifestyle because, they lack of parental care and attention. Would you imagine the high rate of cultism in our society today even a twelve years old boy involved in practicing cultism where are we going my fellow Wanu sons and daughters, i don't see any progress coming from this negative attitude called cultists. I have a question to all the participants. Can we in anyway make progress with this strange attitude, act and behavior of ours?

Those you people see fighting for the progress of Wanu today, may not necessarily be the ones to end it.

Therefore, let go and kick against wrong act in our society so that our Moses would not be killed today.


How Can We Stop This Negative Act? 

It can only be stop when the aye and arrow youth are able to work effectively and diligently with the support of community elders and every sons and daughters of Wanu.

That is to say, when you see your son or your brother receiving punishment for a negative act, you stood against the negative acts of his/her than supporting him. 

Gradually with series of such handlings, we can be able to put an end to that act and likewise, save our generation yet on born.

I want to send a strong message to every Wanu sons and daughters. 

you are too special and  very important to Wanu nation don't involved in any act that may endanger your life or cut your life short, you have so many potential in you make sure you deploy your potential to Wanu nation before you die, every sons and daughters of Wanu, should have it in mind that, i must be the one to take Wanu to her promise land.

And i so much believed that, we the younger ones will take Wanu to the promised land.

God Bless Wanu Male Child.


Wanu young lady's mindset is that, anyone who went to the university and come back has automatically become a successful man to an extend they feel like dating the person forgetting that, if they also go to that same university, they can also make a difference.

Many of them feel not to go to school as far as they are dating a university student or graduate.

Our young men who were opportune or privileged to be in the four walls of classes in the Universities, low and behold start  dancing according to the tune our young girls are singing.

Meanwhile, any young Wanu youth who by opportunity secured admission into higher institution of learning, the first thing that come to his mind is, when he go to University and come back he can date any girl of his choice as far as is a Wanu girl. Imagine how cheap and ignorant our Wanu ladies become. 

I remember my discussion with one of Wanu female friend mine who said to me, in our conversation that she will never in her life date any Wanu guy who has not been to University. The first thing that come to my mind then was that, maybe she is planning to be in the University too.

I never knew my thought wrong me until the day I heard that she is pregnant for a University student that became the day i truly understand what she meant.

So many of them fall victims of circumstances and i am very much happy for them.

Not that i am not happy because of the pain they go through. But, am happy that they will learn from their mistake.

My profound joy was that, they all put to birth sound, good and healthy and are still doing well both mummies and babies. Glory to the Lord most high. 

My advice for those who have not yet fall victims of the ongoing incident and those that are coming up.

You see is better for you to do the right thing than to correct a wrong did, if you are having same thought  make sure you change your mind. You can also go to that same university and come and make a difference.

 I wanna let known to you that, i believed that word which you ladies normally says which is, what a man can do, a woman can do even better.

Success Does Not Rely On Sex 

Man or Woman (ladies and gentlemen) 

In fact those that you think are brilliant than you that makes you rush to date or have an affair with them, they are just privilege to be there, if you are opportune to be there, you can even do better than many of them. I advice you to go to that same university and acquire your degree and come and select one among the MSc holders that are chasing you don't be in the hurry to date.

Avoid chasing university students while u are still in secondary school because, at your secondary level, you need to focus and not to be confused.

End Bad Relationship That May Bind Your Feature.

Say No To Unwanted Pregnancy

God Bless Wanu Female Child.

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  1. Kudos brotherly👍👍
    May your pen never runs dry🙏🙏
    Keep up the good work bro, and the sky will be your starting point.
    #SayNoToPregnancyOutOfWedlocks. #Iyapye🤝🤝
